articles 27
- Rails 8 Assets - Deep dive into Propshaft
- Rails 8 assets: Break down of how Propshaft and importmap-rails work together
- How to avoid problems with Turbo morphing
- Rails is better low code than low code
- Hotwire and HTMX - Same Principles, Different Approaches
- Gilded Rose Kata and the value of explicit requirements in the code
- How to load a lazy loaded turbo frame a bit before it scrolls into view
- What can software developers really learn from SpaceX Raptor 3 engine?
- How to get good at noticing code smells
- How to refresh the full page when submitting a form inside a Turbo Frame?
- How to reuse the same page in different Turbo Frame flows
- Versatile feature of Turbo: stream actions inside regular HTML
- Not understanding the motivation behind best practices dooms you to misuse them
- An interactive intro to ruby debugger, in the debugger
- How to customize Rails console setup without modifying the project
- How to debug issues with Turbo Morphing
- Avoid most of the pain with test factories with the principle of minimal defaults
- Book review: "Tidy first?" by Kent Beck
- Should you use Hotwire or a Frontend framework on your next Rails project?
- Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how idiomorph works? (with an interactive playground)
- Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how does it work?
- Preventing bugs in Ruby: tools of the trade
- Should I add typing to my Ruby project?
- Understand Rails async database queries by reimplementing them in 51 lines of simple Ruby
- How to locate the source of a Ruby method
- Is it possible to conditionally define a local variable in Ruby?
- PostgreSQL zero-downtime migration of a primary key from int to bigint (with Ruby on Rails specific notes)!